Horse races are a tradition that goes back to the earliest civilizations, and they continue to be a favorite form of entertainment. The thrill of a great race, the drama of a tight finish, and the history of betting on horses have all made horse racing an integral part of American culture. But whether you’re a seasoned gambler or just a casual fan, it’s important to understand the basics of horse racing so that you can be a smarter bettor.
The first organized horse races, both of chariots and mounted riders, were held at the Olympics in 700-40 bce. The first race tracks probably started to spring up around that time. Horse racing is a multibillion-dollar industry, and it’s hard to deny that the sport has had a significant impact on both our culture and our history.
But many people don’t see the sport as something positive. It’s not only unfair to the horses, who are subjected to a grueling training regimen and often have their skeletons immature; it’s also unfair to the fans, who spend enormous amounts of money to witness the spectacle only to be disappointed. In addition, some studies have linked the sport with gambling addiction and even mental illness.
The racetrack is a noisy, dusty place where thousands of mostly working-class humans gather to stare up at banks of TVs in the bowels of the grandstand, cheering and shrieking when their horses run by. Some people are betting, but most are simply there to watch the beautiful animals galloping through the sunlit landscape with their hypnotic speed and strutting power.
A bettors’ job starts in the walking ring, where they look at a horse’s coat to see if it is bright and rippling with just the right amount of sweat. They also consider the muscled excitement of the animal’s rider and the patience of the gate staff.
When a horse balks (refuses to run), it’s usually because it is frightened or angry. But it can also be a sign of injury or fatigue. The rider and the gate staff must be patient with a balking horse, and if it doesn’t respond to a few stimuli, it may be pulled out of the race.
Some horse races are sprints, requiring a high degree of agility and short bursts of speed. Other races are longer distances that require stamina. Some of the most prestigious flat races in the world, including the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, Melbourne Cup, and Dubai World Cup, are in the latter category.
The starter is an official who supervises the loading of the horses into the starting gate, and he has control over the gates’ confined front doors. He also determines when the race will start. The starter is responsible for ensuring a fair and honest race, and he may disqualify any horse that attempts to impede other runners. He is also the official responsible for the conduct of the race and its officials.